Tag Archives: online time clock

24 Jul 2013

Where’s My Paycheck?

24 Jul 2013

In Tennessee’s Hamilton County, thousands of school employees did not receive their paychecks due to an error. About 3,700 teachers went without pay last Friday – a $3.8 million mistake. According to an article by Kevin Hardy in the Times Free Press, Superintendent Rick Smith said the school system, the county trustee and the bank […]

25 Jun 2013

Out-of-Office Experience: Working Remotely

25 Jun 2013

Work is, well, anywhere you get work done these days. Sure, the typical cubical-ridden offices still prevail in the work force, but with technology advancing faster than you can say “fax machine,” that’s becoming less and less the case. In a WIRED article by Naveen Narayanan, he wrote that the notion of “work’ is ‘very […]