07 Aug 2013

How To Work With Others While Being Alone

07 Aug 2013

CubicleCarolyn Gregoire released an article entitled “An Introvert’s Guide To Surviving (And Thriving) In the Workplace”. What is an introvert, you ask? According to Wikipedia, introversion is “the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life”.

Introverts tend to keep to themselves and don’t favor a lot of stuff going on around them. This sometimes makes it difficult for them to be around open and/or vibrant offices with a lot of interactivity. According to Gregoire, these steps for an introvert surviving the workplace include:

1. Find spaces for quiet and solitude 2. Make a daily ritual of checking in with co-workers 3. Avoid meetings when possible 4. Don’t be afraid to lead 5. Take time to rest and renew I’m not sure if these tips would actually work on a real introvert. There’s one thing she left out, of course: ClockIn Portal. Never again will introverts have to clock in at an office. You can clock in at home, because that’s most likely where an introvert would be working. A virtual timeclock is an exceptional transition in an age where people want to work anywhere and everywhere.

Throw away your nice slacks. ClockIn Portal lets you crunch numbers, manage accounts, etc. in your finest sweatpants.